As a working mom, I know that all days can be hard, especially when it’s a busy day working outdoor events in the summer heat. It’s incredibly important to take care of myself inside and out in that situation. It enables me to be present with my family when I’m in that rest and recovery phase. You can’t pour from an empty cup, right?
I don’t post a lot about museum life anymore, but sometimes lifestyle blogging collides with my 9 to 5. In my professional life, I work outside events occasionally. In doing so, I have a few tricks up my sleeve to make it through a long, hot day outside.
Wear SPF
This should be a given, but it’s a critical part of protecting yourself while working outdoor events. I love Super Goop products and they are a regular part of my own skincare routine. I use the daily moisturizer and eye cream on my face every single day. It makes my skin glowy while also protecting it. On everything else exposed to the sun, such as arms and legs, I use Sun Bum mineral spray.
This should also be a given, but it is so very important. I once heard a water bottle salesperson in Philly say “don’t let dehydration ruin your vacation.” Such wisdom there, right?! But seriously, staying hydrated is key. And if you don’t, your body will let you know. I’ve made the mistake of not drinking enough water and have ended up with headaches, dry skin, and just feeling generally off. Sometimes I like to add electrolytes, like LMNT, to help stay hydrated.
Eat Nourishing Meals
It’s so tempting to go for the sweets on these days, and sometimes I do, but I make an effort to pack foods that make me feel good. My typical outdoor workday lunches include the Tessemae salad kits. They are so easy to toss in a lunch bag and can be eaten quickly. They also are very tasty and provide a good dose of protein.
Stay Smelling Fresh
I love Primally Pure products, so it should be no surprise that their deodorant is my new holy grail. Their charcoal deodorant keeps me smelling and feeling fresh on a humid, July day in Northern Virginia. This stuff has been put to the test repeatedly and passes with flying colors every time.
Treat Yourself
At the end of the day, I do something. If you spend an entire day working an outdoor event in the heat, it’s really draining or exhausting. I always plan on something to treat myself. This might mean a really chill yoga routine on the Peloton app, a hydrating face mask, or a really tasty meal. It looks different each time, but the idea is to rest and recover after a hard day of work. Having that treat to look forward to helps me push through just a little bit more.
Do you work outdoor events too? Please share some of your tips for taking care of yourself on a hot day!
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